Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tall And Free

By Roger W Hancock (Gilbert Noel)

Towers standing tall and free,

within, movers, shakers of affluence.

Symbols of a vibrant economy,

to the world with freedom's influence.

From the evil of a misguided culture,

spreading hate of zealot destruction.

Killing in a land thought secure,

purpose lost in their aggression.

Towers now gone, a pile of rubble,

six thousand killed by assassins' hate.

In all of America freedom excels,

to it's demise, no one can orchestrate.

We will rebuild, paid from our affluence,

decisions to make affecting the world.

Symbols again with stronger defense,

freedom reigns in our pride renewed.

America has always stood tall, free and proud,

adversity reveals our weakness to solve.

For freedom's security we'll shout aloud,

resistance only strengthens... our resolve.


  1. This poem is about the terrorist attacks on Septermber 11,2201. It speaks about the determination and patriotism that will allow us to rebuild our land and our strength.

  2. Wow! This poem reflects everything we've covered about Patriotism. A tragedy like 9/11 only brought this nation closer.

    "Symbols again with stronger defense, / freedom reigns in our pride renewed" - this line shows that those buildings weren't just buildings, but symbols. Even though we've lost those symbols, we'll re-build those towers to symbolise that we won't just sit back and be hurt. As a country we've always "America tall, free and proud", and that's why those tall, free, proud buildings were great symbolism of us.

    Again, there's unity in Patriotism when "For freedom's security we'll shout aloud". We've had to alter our daily lives since this event, but I feel a stronger connection to this nation knowing all of its people have grown together from this experience.

  3. America has always stood tall, free and proud,

    This completely covers the entire patriotism unit. America, even though we were attacked, still remain the strong and proud nation we always have been. Freedom is something that lives vibrantly in this land and no matter what, we will fight to make all persons free.
