Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Heroes

 By Roger W Hancock (Gilbert Noel)

Some Heroes obvious, some unsung,

their lives and health, tempting fate.

Vulnerable in tasks for our civilization,

few glories for their life's profession.

The Service men in our Armed Forces,

the cause be sure for freedom's sake.

For their family, strangers, citizens all,

few medals show their life's duress.

The policeman whose life is in peril,

by high-speed chase, gunfight ensued.

The simple traffic stop may kill,

few medals show the dangers faced.

The man who is trained as a fireman,

to save our lives, our homes from fire.

The first on scene when aid in need,

few medals show each hazardous deed.

The utilities that keep our comfort whole,

power and phone, the men on poles.

Sewage, garbage disposed for health,

no recognition for the civilian fight.

The many others whose work obscure,

performing tasks with risks not yours.

Construction, or the viral flu to cure,

no medals glory for the civilian plight.


  1. I chose this poem becuase it's ideas are rarerly put into perspective. When we think about serving our country, we tend to forget our everyday soldiers who are just as patriotic.

  2. this poem was one of my favorite poems out of the bunch. the poet is portrayin patriotism in a different way then the typical and its very effective. theirs so many "soldiers" that dont face the immediate danger but none the less keep us safe and re-enforce freedom and they are always overlooked. :( its quiet sad and serves as an eye opener for me

  3. I really like this poem because it choses to recognize not only soldiers but everyday people that do everyday jobs that many of us would dread to even do. The poet does portray a different sense of patriotism showing that not only do soldiers show it but so do firemen, garbagemen, policemen, etc. I mean I believe garbagemen to be heros because i could never do a job like that, but they can which means a lot...

  4. This poem is written in a way to remind you about all different kind of heroes from the soldier to the construction worker. It specifically focuses on unsung heroes who have a very important role in our society.

  5. def, there is a large portion of people that do not get the proper importance as based upon their roles. everyone is a patriot who makes america what it is, whether it b the fresh immigrant who works his hardest to finish the building in a new apartment building or the community college graduate who just opened his new business or the dr in metaphysics all give their ability to america and all are patriots

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