Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What Do I Want?

 By: Kara Douglas (Gilbert Noel)

I want to be a mystery, yet be known
I want to be together, yet alone
Is it too much to ask, To be famous yet unknown?
To be a wanderer, yet have a home?
My insecurity makes me sick,
Yet my confidence makes me thick
Can I be harmless, yet grip the stick,
Be completely smooth yet have a nick?
Can I live in a lie, yet be true
Can I be unique, yet so like you?
Have no control, yet know what to do?
Can I be ugly, yet beautiful too?
Answer me, I need your help,
Can you help me or someone else?
I need your help, can't you see,
Are you even listening to me?


  1. Wow...the repetition, rhyme, and contradiction is truly powerful. This poet is connecting with a lot of people, because I think everyone has these feelings. We all want to accomplish something - accomplish everything. Yet, the poem becomes personal where it reads "Can I be unique, yet so like you?” It seems as if the "I" is asking society for help. The opposite of unique is common (everyone…society), and people often get lost in the crowd. It's these feelings that make us want to stand out for doing something special.

  2. this poem was very deep. i had to read it a few times but i think that the poem is questioning society. one line says "Can I be ugly, yet beautiful too?" which is a major contridiction because nothing can ever be both but if something is beautiful to one person but ugly to another than isnt it both ugly and beautiful. the poem goes much deeper than just the literal meaning of the words and this line portrays it beautifully, awesome poem!!!

  3. Love love love this!

    "Is it too much to ask, To be famous yet unknown?
    To be a wanderer, yet have a home?
    My insecurity makes me sick,
    Yet my confidence makes me thick "

    WHo is he asking? The Man? I think everyones insecurities make them hate themselves and at the same time, their confidence gets in the way of healing. If that makes sense..? I know its a regular occurance in my life. The rhyme scheme is fantastic and not elemetary at all.

  4. This poem caught my eye because of its simplicity in format yet, complexity of thoughts. I also believe that the author's target was society. We choose what aspects of ourselves that we show the world as we hide what society loves to shun. Yet, we dare to be different. But if we're all trying to be like each other, who is unique?

  5. I have to agree with everyone on this poem, its awesome... geez where do you find these... anyway, what makes this poem so amazing is that it relates to me and to people... sometimes I wish I could be this yet be that but because you're afraid of standing out, you wish to be a little but of both... Sometimes when you think of a famous hollywood actor, you think, geez i would like to be like that, but you realize that they have a lot of pressure in their hands and you wish you could be like that but not have the pressure, but in reality, there is no such thing as being "famous yet unknown" and you have to decide which one you have to be... maybe this is what he needs help in deciding?

  6. I love this poem because it is super original and is defintiely about identity. The author is most obviously trying to find themselves and is very confused about to how they should do it. She wants to eb heard so very badly as in the end she says "are you even listening to me?" but she knows not what to do with her life yet. She is seeking help to find herself.

  7. I think there are two ways of reading this poem, the first way is to look at the poem as if the author is suggesting a balance way of life where you are not too much of a mystery but not too well known. The second way is to read it as if the person in the poem is asking his innerself question, literally trying to find himself. In the latter the sense of being lost and confused followed by frustration is very well portrayed.

  8. easily one of the best poems this week. it gives me goosebumps when i read it lol. there is nothing quite like contradiction rhyme scheme and all the other aspects of this poem bottled up into such a few lines. it really is extra ordinary.

