Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I Search

I search for that something called an Identity
I search for the eternally dynamic being called 'me'

I search for that ever-elusive ray of Hope
That'll steady my walk on life's tightrope

I search for that stroke of Brilliance
That'll make me stand out among millions

I search for that much-needed Common Sense
That'll help me to decipher utter nonsense

I search for that slippery thing called Fame
That'll erase all my past memories of shame

I search for that quality called Tenacity
That'll help me cope with life's complexity

I search for that something called a Carefree Life
That'll remove me from worries and Danger's knife

I search for something called an Identity
And I still search for that being called 'me'

Rony Patra


  1. This one might be my favorite out of the bunch. It shows just how much an identity means and how vital it is to truly live. I think if I would've read this poem a couple years ago it wouldn've become my favorite because I was going through that "who am I?" phase. The repition of "i search" also gives a sense of persistence in this search for identity.

  2. i like this poem alot. i love how they give the poem a ryhme scheme and is still able to keep the meaning of the lines. my favorite line in the poem is "I search for that ever-elusive ray of Hope That'll steady my walk on life's tightrope" which to me means that when she walks through life without an identity, life wont be stable but once she finds that identity, the tightrope will be steady and life will be more enjoyable

  3. The rythme in this poem is really good and I like how it rhymes well too, however, despite its rhyming pattern and rhythm, I find this poem very appropriate for the identity topic. Like Cristina, I like the way the poet uses "I search" because it makes it seem like he/she is trying hard to find who he/she really is, something I believe everyone does one day in their lives. I like the way the author managed to make the poem full circle repeating the first stanza in the end and overall, I really enjoyed this poem because I find that everyone can relate to it somehow...

  4. I really like this poem because its so true. We are constantly searching for ourselves whether we aknowlege it or not. It's a beautiful thing that many are ashamed of...its not "good" to not know who you are. This poem speaks volumes to the 'Human Quest' for an identity and place in this world.

  5. I agree with Raven because I feel that this poem is about man's never-ending search for himself or herself. Some people go through their whole lives without finding "themselves". I believe that how we handle our experiences in life truly defines us.

  6. I like that the poem has a specific rhyme scheme that gives it its original rhythm. the poet clearly expresses a need to find himself throughout the entire poem and the poem gievs off a lost,bewildered feeling that we can all relate to at some point in our lives. The need t find our own niche and the "much needed common sense" is also a feeling that we can all relate to.

  7. In relation to what andrea said, to go deeper into the poem we can see that there is a couplet rhyme scheme which does in fact leave a sense of rhythm very complimenting to the poem. Furthermore there is a sense of repetition in the poem which lends more of a sense of closure to the ending of the poem. excellent overall poem, great pick

  8. I discovered this blog while scouring Google. Raven, I owe you one. And thank you for your kind comments, everyone!

    This poem was something I'd written in my first year of college. At that point of time, we're all very confused, unsure about what to do next. Coming from a small town to the big city, I realised that everyone was on the run. Each one wanted to carve out his or her identity. It could be about being first in class, or getting that dream job, or chasing that elusive lover, or anything else. That formed the basis of this poem. And it's still not lost its relevance. At every step of life, we find ourselves constantly reassessing our own achievements. This is a tribute to that aspect of life.

