Friday, May 14, 2010

Life Gives Birth To Happinness

By Nikhil Parekh (Gilbert Noel)

Clouds give birth to tantalizing droplets of rain;
pacifying the murderous agony of scorching desert
Rose gives birth to stupendously ravishing fragrance;
casting a spell of unconquerable happiness in those
lives; deluged with horrendous despair,
Sun gives birth to magnificently flamboyant rays;
filtering a path of profuse optimism in every space;
tottering towards helpless extinction,
Soil gives birth to rhapsodic fountains of fruit and
water; ensuring that none remained disastrously
famished; for centuries immemorial,
Ocean gives birth to tantalizingly tangy globules of
salt; inundating drab existence with cloudbursts of
spice and insurmountable poignancy,
Stars give birth to an incredulously serene calm;
miraculously metamorphosing the complexion of the
ghastly night; into one shimmering with milky pearls,
Leaves give birth to exuberantly fluttering breeze;
enveloping dreary souls in its ebulliently vociferous
swirl; as it merrily whipped by,
Benevolence gives birth to invincible humanity;
incessantly reigning as the supreme leader; even as
the planet entangled in webs of lechery and salacious
Freedom gives birth to the innermost expression; the
mesmerizing fulmination of a persons senses; which
propels him to blissfully lead an infinite more lives,
Mother gives birth to the perpetually divine; the
immaculately wailing offspring for which; God’s
specially descended down from fathomless
cosmos to
Truth gives birth to harmonious unity; organisms from
all across the unfathomable planet; embracing each
other irrespective of prejudice; caste or creed,
Honesty gives birth to intransigent conviction; an
astronomical within the most feeble of entities; to
catapult to the pinnacle of ultimate success,
Fantasy gives birth to turbulently seductive desire;
relentlessly exploring and absorbing the unsurpassable
beauty lingering on this planet,
Perseverance gives birth to glorious rays of newness;
evolving and achieving even the most inconspicuous of
your philanthropic dream; as golden perspiration
trickled under the sweltering Sun,
Faith gives birth to the incomprehensibly
unbelievable; with man successfully shooting to the
summit of the impossible; uttering the name of the
entity he adored,
Conscience gives birth to irrefutable righteousness;
which the even the entire wealth on this spuriously
bombastic world; miserably failed to purchase,
Eyes give birth to profoundly caressing empathy;
wholeheartedly commiserating and bonding; with even
the most remotest of alien in devastating pain,
Love gives birth to indispensably precious survival;
the everlasting spirit to celestially exist; beyond
ones ordinary time,
And life gives birth to perennial happiness; an
unconquerably sacred joy and bliss that makes each
birth; exist in symbiotic synergy with the bountifully


  1. -Life wouldn’t be what it is if it weren’t for the "birth" of all other things on earth. More than just a cause and effect correlation, it is the birth of something. Even conscience and freedom give birth to something else.
    -This poem even gives birth to a new understanding.

  2. this poem is very easyily one of my favorite poems. i like how the author saves the metaphor for life and birth till the end which makes what cristina said very true, life wouldnt be what it is if it werent for the birth of all other things on earth

  3. This poem is very interesting because it poses the fact that everything has a cause and effect in a totally different, poetic manner. The poem has many meanings and themes, birth obviously being one of the main ones; however,i feel that it also revolves around the idea that all things have a cause and effect:
    -Freedom gives birth to the innermost expression
    -Soil gives birth to rhapsodic fountains of fruit and water.
    The poem refers to both tangible and intangible ideas that all are part of some sort of process or cycle.
    It revolves around the idea of birth and life in general, with all strings attached.

  4. I chose this poem because of its abstract nature. The poet goes above and beyond our everyday understanding of basic concepts. The author injects personification and complex metaphors. I can relate to the author's indestructible optimism of life and birth.

  5. One of the main reasons this poem really caught my attention was because, like Andrea said "it possesses the fact that everything has a cause and effect" but more than that, everything his its own "birth". For example, how the clouds give birth to droplets of rain and how a rose gives birth to its fragrance. I feel this poem, closely depicts what birth really is...

  6. More towards some of the literal aspects of the poem - I found it absolutely interesting in the way that the author uses alliteration in nearly every description lending to the poems overall experience. For example: Ocean gives birth to tantalizingly tangy globules of
    salt; miraculously metamorphosing the complexion of the ghastly night; embracing each other irrespective of prejudice; caste or creed. These usages really struck me as excellent penmanship.

  7. AGH! Word ecstacy over here. Maybe i am a little uncouth but the word choice in this poem is imeccable.

    "Truth gives birth to harmonious unity; organisms from
    all across the unfathomable planet; embracing each
    other irrespective of prejudice; caste or creed,
    Honesty gives birth to intransigent conviction; an
    astronomical within the most feeble of entities; to
    catapult to the pinnacle of ultimate success,
    Fantasy gives birth to turbulently seductive desire;"

    WHAT?! Are you serious?! Insight on truth and just life in general is beasttt.

  8. What is most interesting about this poem like most of this comments point out is the fact that this poem draws relationship by way of cause and effect. Furthermore, this poem is about birth but not so much the birth of a baby more the birth of new ideas/new mind, more about birth in an abstract sense. This abstract idea of birth is what really attracts me to this poem.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Ms. Williams says: Thank you for your comments. I like the idea of the "poster" giving a rationale for his choice. These comments are very mature and thoughtful. Some of you however need to look more closely at not just subject or treatment, but maybe a bit of both. Think of the ideas and the effectiveness of the presentation in your reflections.
